Pubblichiamo un interessante bibliografia su alcol e guida realizzata dal Centro di documentazione del Centro Alcologico Regionale Toscana.

Alcol e guida in alcuni studi scientifici del 2011:

Veldstra JL, Brookhuis KA, de Waard D, Molmans BH, Verstraete AG, Skopp G, Jantos R. Effects of alcohol (BAC 0.5‰) and ecstasy (MDMA 100 mg) on simulated driving performance and traffic safety.    Psychopharmacology (Berl). 2011 Nov 11.

Mørland J, Steentoft A, Simonsen KW, Ojanperä I, Vuori E, Magnusdottir K, Kristinsson J, Ceder G, Kronstrand R, Christophersen A.  Drugs related to motor vehicle crashes in northern European countries: a study of fatally injured drivers.   Accid Anal Prev. 2011 Nov;43(6):1920-6.

 Gjerde H, Christophersen AS, Normann PT, Mørland J.  Toxicological investigations of drivers killed in road traffic accidents in Norway during 2006-2008.  Forensic Sci Int. 2011 Oct 10;212(1-3):102-9.

Costa N, Silva R, Mendonça MC, Real FC, Vieira DN, Teixeira HM.  Prevalence of ethanol and illicit drugs in road traffic accidents in the centre of Portugal: An eighteen-year update.  Forensic Sci Int. 2011 Sep 9.

 Phillips DP, Brewer KM. The relationship between serious injury and blood alcohol concentration (BAC) in fatal motor vehicle accidents: BAC = 0.01% is associated with significantly more dangerous accidents than BAC = 0.00%.  Addiction. 2011 Sep;106(9):1614-22. doi: 10.1111/j.1360-0443.2011.03472.x.

 Bogstrand ST, Normann PT, Rossow I, Larsen M, Mørland J, Ekeberg Ø.  Prevalence of alcohol and other substances of abuse among injured patients in a Norwegian emergency department.  Drug Alcohol Depend. 2011 Sep 1;117(2-3):132-8.

 Marczinski CA, Fillmore MT, Bardgett ME, Howard MA.  Effects of energy drinks mixed with alcohol on behavioral control: risks for college students consuming trendy cocktails.  Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 2011 Jul;35(7):1282-92. doi: 10.1111/j.1530-0277.2011.01464.x.

 Akgür SA, Ertas H, Altntoprak AE, Ozkan M, Kitapcoglu G.  Prevalence of alcohol in blood samples from traffic accident cases in Turkey.  Am J Forensic Med Pathol. 2011 Jun;32(2):136-9.

 Gjerde H, Normann PT, Christophersen AS, Samuelsen SO, Mørland J. Alcohol, psychoactive drugs and fatal road traffic accidents in Norway: a case-control study.  Accid Anal Prev. 2011 May;43(3):1197-203. Epub 2011 Jan 21.

 De Carvalho Ponce J, Muñoz DR, Andreuccetti G, de Carvalho DG, Leyton V. Alcohol-related traffic accidents with fatal outcomes in the city of Sao Paulo.  Accid Anal Prev. 2011 May;43(3):782-7.

 Monras M, Aparicio A, Lopez JA, Pons I.  Prevalence of alcohol consumption related disorders in a prison population convicted of crimes against road safety.  Actas Esp Psiquiatr. 2011 May-Jun;39(3):163-7.

 Töro K, Szilvia F, György D, Pauliukevicius A, Caplinskiene M, Raudys R, Lepik D, Tuusov J, Vali M. Fatal traffic injuries among children and adolescents in three cities (capital Budapest, Vilnius, and Tallinn).  J Forensic Sci. 2011 May;56(3):617-20. doi: 10.1111/j.1556-4029.2010.01674.x.

 Razvodovsky YE. Contribution of alcohol in accident related mortality in Belarus: a time series approach. J Inj Violence Res. 2011 Apr 16. doi: 10.5249/jivr.v4i2.100.

 Pereira RE, Perdoná Gda S, Zini LC, Cury MB, Ruzzene MA, Martin CC, De Martinis BS. Relation between alcohol consumption and traffic violations and accidents in the region of Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo State.  Forensic Sci Int. 2011 Apr 15;207(1-3):164-9.

 Breitenbach TC, Pechansky F, Benzano D, De Boni R. High rates of injured motorcycle drivers in emergency rooms and the association with substance use in Porto Alegre, Brazil.  Emerg Med J. 2011 Mar 1.

Noh H, Jung KY, Park HS, Cheon YJ. Characteristics of alcohol-related injuries in adolescents visiting the emergency department.  J Korean Med Sci. 2011 Mar;26(3):431-7.

 Dassanayake T, Michie P, Carter G, Jones A. Effects of benzodiazepines, antidepressants and opioids on driving: a systematic review and meta-analysis of epidemiological and experimental evidence.  Drug Saf. 2011 Feb 1;34(2):125-56. doi: 10.2165/11539050-000000000-00000.

 Turner J, Bauerle J, Keller A.  Alcohol-related vehicular death rates for college students in the Commonwealth of Virginia.  J Am Coll Health. 2011 Jan;59(4):323-6. Erratum in: J Am Coll Health. 2011 Apr;59(5):459. 

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